Welcome to Xumm 2.5.0!
Xumm now includes an xApp Directory, which replaces the "more xApps" section with a separate xApp area, making it easier to discover and access a variety of xApps. The Xumm Pro Beta has been moved to the xApp section for better organization.
NFT enthusiasts will appreciate the NFT Preview for NFTokenBurn transactions before executing them. Additionally, the TrustLine details panel has been updated to allow users to copy the issuer r-address easily.
The Event List now displays the Sign Request type, and xApp category and development status indicators have been added for better information. The xApp loading screen has been improved, offering a smoother experience for users.
Several bug fixes have been implemented, including a fix for partial payment XRP-XRP transactions. When removing an account, the app now asks for the App PIN instead of the passphrase, ensuring users can remove passphrased accounts even if they don't remember the passphrase.
Payment Channels and receipt signing have been added to enhance the app's capabilities, and the Tangem SDK has been updated for improved card interaction stability. Error messages for dry path issues have been improved, providing clearer guidance when sending unfunded transactions.
For developers, new features include allowing the xApp loading screen to switch to the app when ready, the OTT in the User Agent, and the option to opt out of Destination Tag on the Destination Picker for xApps. NFTs on Testnet are now displayed, and Payment Channel Signing has been added for more functionality.
Enjoy the upgraded experience with this new app version, designed to make it even more user-friendly and feature-rich for everyone.
A history of Xumm and the features and fixes
How to update Xaman to the latest version
We have just released the latest version Xaman (v2.8.2)!
If you're reading this, you probably want to learn all about the new features it contains. Our blog is the ideal place to start:
This article discusses how to upgrade to the latest version so you can begin exploring all great features it contains.
As with all versions of Xaman the app is only available from two sources:
If you don't already have Xaman on your phone, you can simply download and install the app by selecting one of the above links.
For those who already have a version of Xaman installed, you will get the option to upgrade the next time you launch the application.
For Apple users, you should see a screen like this:
For Android users, you should see something like this:
In both cases, simply press the Update button and Xaman will download and update you to the latest version.
Unfortunately there is no way to get the Update screen back. You will need to manually update your version of Xaman by visiting the Apple App Store or Google Play. (Just tap the appropriate link above then do a search for Xaman.)
Updating is completely optional, but it is important to understand that the latest version contains several bugs fixes and improvements. If you were to encounter an issue with your version of Xaman, you will be asked to update to the latest version in order to receive support.
⦁ Android v7 and up
⦁ iOS v13 or higher and an iPhone 7 or newer
Simply create a support ticket in Xaman using the Xaman Support xApp:
If you encounter this screen during to update process:
The upgrade has not frozen. It just means that the database migration is still ongoing.
Please keep the Xaman app open until the migration has completed.
The migration seed will depend on the device's resources and the network bandwidth. Older and/or slower phones on slower networks may take a while to update.
Depending on your OS settings, your device may or may not auto-update. Check your App / Play store for the latest version.
XUMM 2.2.6 contains new features, a number of improvements & important fixes.
The Exchange panel (tap a Trust Line, tap Exchange) now shows the slippage tolerance (percentage) allowed, the exchange rate calculated and the minimum amount to receive (worst case) trade results. If a better rate can be obtained, the XRP Ledger will. Worst case you will receive the lower value displayed. If the lower value displayed can’t be satisfied, the trade will be cancelled.
Added support for the new Tangem Note and Tangem Multi Asset cards.
Support added for all XLS20 (NFT) transaction types through sign requests. To add the XLS20 testnet, a special QR code needs to be scanned.
The sign request screen now shows the accounts (signers) when setting a Signer List (multi signing).
The Settings menu now also shows a direct link (Questions & Support) to the XUMM Support xApp.
Added resolving FIO handles in the manual Send flow.
Support for the XRP Ledger Devnet (Mainnet & Testnet were already present, Devnet has now been added).
After running tests on required fees, the medium fee is low lower than before. The low and high fee are unchanged. Fees are based on values advertised by XRP Ledger nodes. Transaction fees do not go to the creators of XUMM: they are burned by the XRP Ledger.
Token balance rounding has been improved (home screen). An amount of e.g. 7.9999 will now show 7.99 instead of 8.00.
Trust Lines without balance and with a zero limit are now displayed if they are in non default state, meaning they still claim a reserve. This means they can they can be cleaned up easily by tapping the Trust Line and using the Remove button.
When adding a TrustLine from the Add panel, XUMM will now show a warning if the selected TrustLine (token, issuer) is already present in your TrustLine list.
Improved QR scanning results in faster scanning on iOS, and fixes QR scanning problems for some Android users.
The ‘preflight’ checks on Account Delete transactions have been improved. This makes it less likely that one is allowed to proceed with an Account Delete when the XRP Ledger will most likely reject. This precents the XRP Ledger Account Delete fee to be burned for an unsuccessful delete.
Better displaying of the amounts resulting in a negative spendable account balance in the Explain panel (next to your balance, on the XUMM home screen).
The Return payment button (Event details screen) will now no longer show for tokens one doesn’t own anymore.
Asynchronously exuted Decentralized Exchange trades on your limit order will now no longer show the From field on the Event detail page: the From field used to display the initiator of the trade (counterparty). As this is usually an unknown other XRP Ledger account, this was confusing.
Transactions failing with a tef* (fatal) error code will now result in the transaction error screen straight away, instead of waiting for a while to see if the transaction ended up in newly closed ledgers.
Signing a transaction sometimes resulted in a LastLedgerSequence error. This happened when more than 40 seconds were spent between viewing a sign request and actually signing the transaction. We significantly increased this time-out time.
When sending a token you issued yourself, the Send flow will no longer show the No liquidity message, as liquidity is irrelevant if you are the issuer.
When exchanging tokens using the Exchange feature (after tapping a Trust Line) an error message could appear (referring to the Session Logs). This would happen for low value tokens, due to a rounding (decimal precision) error.
An account would be displayed as Blackholed if a regular key was set to a known Blackhole account address. If the master key of that account wasn’t disabled, the account technically wasn’t blackholed. XUMM now checks for both a known Blackhole account address & a disabled master key to show an account as Blackholed.
When using the backspace button on Android in an amount field, the cursor position could behave weirdly.
This version contains the long-awaited brand new token list, featuring ordering/sorting, filtering and more!
We also made other functional changes to the Xumm app including several improvements and important fixes and changes our logo design.
The long-awaited new Xumm app home screen offers asset (token) filtering, ordering/sorting, marking assets as favorite & hiding assets without a positive balance.
Updates to the Xumm icon, app start splash screen and primary blue color
A warning will is displayed if an offer has the potential to consume the entire balance of the selling asset when signing an ‘OfferCreate’ transaction to make a trade on the Decentralized Exchange,
Updates to support the renamed XLS-20 NFT transaction types & field names that restores full XLS-20 ‘DevNet’ network functionality.
Four more xApps are now displayed in the ‘Xumm xApp Dock’ (the menu that opens after selecting the ‘x’ button in the centre of the bottom navigation bar
the first four xApps are highlighted / recently used Xumm xApps
the second row of four xApps contain the most recently opened xApps provided as add-on, or by ecosystem developers
The Xumm Dock now also contains placeholders displayed while loading the relevant & recent xApps.
The biometric authentication implementation has been upgraded: if you open Xumm and/or sign transactions with your face / fingerprint, Xumm will now check if the authorized fingerprint(s) / face(s) have been updated (the iOS/Android security settings). If updated, Xumm will disable biometric authentication and fall back to the six digit PIN configured during initial Xumm setup, after which biometric authentication can be re-enabled in the Xumm security settings.
With Xumm Pro almost ready to go into public Beta, the Profile button (bottom navigation bar) has been replaced with a Pro button, allowing access to the public Xumm Pro beta.
Sign Requests now check for the Disallow XRP flag and Black-Holed status of the destination account and, if found, a warning is displayed before the transaction can be signed.
When signing an empty ‘AccountSet’ transaction, Xumm now indicates that it’s an empty AccountSet transaction. If used to remove a Ticket, Xumm will now indicate this as well.
Improved Ticket information availability: the amount of Tickets matching the claimed reserve has been added to the Explain balance panel, TicketCreate transactions show the created Ticket numbers on the Event detail page and the Planned event tab now shows open Tickets as well. Finally, the Ticket details page features a Cancel ticket button.
Tapping a Contact address (from the Manage Contact panel) now allows for easier copying of the contact’s address to the clipboard.
(Developers) xApp OTT data now includes the wss://
WebSocket node endpoint to connect to the network the Xumm is connected to.
(Developers) Sign Requests can now include a Forced Signer, resulting in Xumm enforcing that the payload (Sign Request) can only be signed explicitly by the account provided as forced signer in the Sign Request. This way developers / platforms / apps can compose Sign Requests that can only be signed by users having access to the specific account in Full Access mode. (Useful for e.g. multi sign transaction flows)
The Return Payment button is no longer available for incoming Payment transactions. Returning an incoming payment ‘as is’ is hardly ever being used, while it adds the risk of users sending back to custodians (e.g. exchanges) without supplying the proper Destination Tag (as the tag can’t be resolved from the incoming transaction)
Transaction flags are now also displayed on the Event details page. They already were in the Sign Request flow.
For a small number of transactions (based on the transaction output), an incorrect interpretation of values for certain types of trades on the Decentralized Exchange resulted in the wrong amounts being displayed on the event details page. (Special thanks to Richard Slater 😘 for reporting this!)
For accounts being the issuer of a token, removed Trust Lines (by a third party) for the issued assets would show up in the Event List as Incoming instead of Removed.
If system locale decimal separator is Unicode or anything other than a comma or dot, typing the decimal separator would be replaced with an empty string when entering amounts.
The Event list Planned tab did not always show all open offers.
The Remove button for a specific asset would stay in spinner mode when the Remove was cancelled.
Added a couple of initially undocumented but relevant NFT (XLS-20) related fields/flags.
Resizing an Android app in Android Desktop Mode allowed bypassing the app Login Passcode.
In the Send flow, in the Token dialog, when typing the [
character, the app would crash.
Fixed the NFT NFTokenMint
factor 10 TransferFee offset.
Fee selection: XUMM now automatically checks the XRP Ledger for elevated fees, selects the best network fee and allows users to select a fee level (low, medium or high).
Support for signing transactions involving *Tickets**
(TicketBatch amendment).
Several performance improvements for accounts with many Trust Lines.
Transfer Rate and Transaction Fee are now displayed in the Payment Summary screen (manual Send flow).
When sending to an unactivated XRPL account, the destination account is now checked on the XRPForensics Advisory list as well.
Improved displaying truncated amounts & currencies in the Event list. Currency codes containing 3 or 4 characters (length) are now always fully visible (untruncated).
The Swipe Button (to confirm and sign a transaction) is now optimized for the visually impaired. More improvements for the visually impaired are on our 2022 roadmap 😉
Rejected transactions (by XRP Ledger nodes) now also show a human readable message containing more information (if sent by the XRPL node rejecting the transaction).
Improved user interface flickering when one would navigate really (really!) quickly between user interface elements/flows in XUMM.
Fixed a bug causing some (or all) TrustLines not to be displayed for accounts with a significant amount of TrustLines.
Fixed a bug causing the Delete button to stay disabled for certain (or all) TrustLines for accounts with a significant amount of TrustLines.
Fixed a bug causing XUMM to display an error when sending tokens to another XRPL account: XUMM would report the destination didn’t have the correct TrustLine setup, while the destination account in fact had that TrustLine setup already.
Fixed a “Decimal Precision” error when using the Trust Line Exchange button.
When the Event List contained a Sign Request from an already past day, transactions (events) from more recent days were rendered in the Event List after the day the Sign Request was from, meaning the chronological order was broken. It could come across as if recent XRPL transactions weren’d being displayed. This would resolve after resolving the (older) Sign Request. Sign Requests are now displayed chronological as well.
Fixed a condition causing XUMM to crash when a Tangem card would be imported for the first time (everything would work fine after).
Fixed a bug causing a firmware error to be displayed when using the Tangem Multi Assets/currency cards.
Fixed a bug causing XUMM failing to sign a Payment transaction when the transaction contained a Path field (custom DEX paths).
Fixed a bug where values (amounts) were not being displayed correctly for Payment transactions to self (own account) containing custom Paths.
Fixed MultiSign signer (payload) account response (returns correct MultiSign signature account).
Implemented API Rate Limiting on a per endpoint / per app (if whitelisted) basis (when hit: returns a 429 HTTP status/error code).
When switching between MAINNET and TESTNET, the displayed network (developer mode) didn’t update on the first switch.
XUMM API now actively rejects payloads with invalid SignerEntries for SignerListSet transaction.
XUMM API now actively rejects MultiSign payloads without Fee or Sequence pesent in the transaction template (payload).
This update corrects some of the minor issues reported by customers in Xumm v2.3.0.
Sign requests of the type Sign In now explicitly show Sign In.
Cross currency / Partial payments can now also be delivered to a destination account that doesn’t have the Trust Line for the originating currency.
Reordering tokens (home screen) on Android was not possible on some slower devices: the sort state would auto-revert
Improved TrustSet transactions where the limit at 0 (zero) but flags set showing up as “Remove token”. We now check for Trust Line default state.
Some Buttons were not completely visible in the Royal theme
Sign In requests no longer turn into Events if minimized: they are either signed or get automatically rejected
Fixed a rare crash on iOS upon enabling Biometric authentication
The NFTokenAcceptOffer transaction now looks up the offer referenced, and shows details of the NFT offer while accepting the offer in the Sign Request review screen. (XLS-20)
Updated the message in the Biometrics settings if the biometric capabilities of your device do not satisfy Xumm’s security requirements.
Adding support for ExpandedSignerList amendment.
Improved icon alignment for xApps with different amount of app title lines.
With the Developer Mode enabled, the Developer Mode header covered the Account Switch button on the home screen. This has been fixed.
Payloads now return the network the user was connected to at the time of signing for non-submitted payloads (like SignIn requests) as well.
iOS Android Warning displayed when buying (DEX) a non-vetted token
iOS Android All Trust Lines (more than 200) will now be displayed
iOS Android The Event List will now auto-update (live) after receiving on ledger transactions
iOS Android When a transaction fails (e.g. due to insufficient reserve) a description will now explain what happened, and why.
iOS Android Add descriptions in transaction details screen for setRegularKey transactions
iOS Android Warn users when setting a weak passcode
iOS Android Required passcode authentication for removing or downgrading account security
iOS Android Fixed a bug causing XUMM to occasionally (incorrectly) display a Balance insufficient warning (e.g. when using Pathfinding)
iOS Android The KYC Flag (blue checkmark) wasn’t being displayed in the Event list if the account didn’t have a name associated with it
iOS Fix bug that caused XUMM to crash on startup on iPod Touch devices
iOS Screen blurring (security, privacy) now also happens on overlay dialogs (like the account switcher)
Android The Exchange panel (DEX swap for tokens, Trust Lines) had a text input position/alignment bug causing entered amounts to be partially visible
Android Disable Android Hardware Back button in xApps to prevent accidental xApp closes
Android Disable auto suggestion on plain text view password fields like the Family Seed import field (eye icon, when password / family seed is visible)
Android Fixed the keyboard staying visible on Android after pasting an amount in the Send flow (amount input)
Android Fixed rare, random app startup crash on Android
Android Fixed minor UI (alignment, positioning) bugs
Welcome in Xumm 2.4.0. This version ships exciting features and improvements!
Some of these include: path finding payments, viewing a list of owned NFTs, and seeing the account reserve on the home screen. There are also bug fixes and visual improvements to make Xumm look better & easier to use.
One of the major updates is that Xumm now allows developers to send sign requests, allowing for pathfinding payments. Pathfinding sign requests allow you to select any liquid asset to pay, while the beneficiary receives the currency and amount they asked for.
Xumm now also features a new native NFT implementation (XLS20), allowing you to view a list of your owned NFTs on the home screen (tap Tokens / NFTs on the home screen to switch between Tokens & NFTs.
Xumm has made changes to its reserve and fiat feature on the home screen to make it less confusing. You can now see the reserved amount of XRP and your XRP balance separately, and tap the XRP balance to toggle between showing the amount of XRP or the fiat equivalent.
Some extra checks and warnings are implemented, like a warning when they you are about to sign a Buy offer for an NFT that can be burned. The transaction Fraud Alert message has been changed to make it clearer that the sender has been reported for suspicious behavior.
When signing a non-XRP token transaction, the app now checks if your Trust Line has been frozen by the issuer and will prompt you to contact the issuer if necessary.
You can now see which third party apps you have interacted with. You can revoke sign reqyest push permissions in the Settings menu. Third-party apps will NEVER have access to your keys.
Smaller new features include Xumm now also supporting manually-entered/pasted hexadecimal memos (for cross chain features) in the manual payment send flow and an immediate warning if an imported account has been configured on another Xumm device.
When opening Xumm from the background, the Event List wil now automatically refresh, showing new sign requests straight away. This update also suppresses a warning about Xumm not endorsing a TrustLine (token issuer) when signing a TrustSet for an issuer & asset listed in the token shortlist.
Overall, these updates make Xumm more user-friendly and secure.
For Developers
You can now add the Pathfinding option to Sign Request Payment payloads to allow users to pay with other assets. Please make sure you use the DeliverMin payment property correctly so you will get paid at least the expected amount. Please do not rely on the Amount field when checking the transaction results (actual paid amount): look at the delivered_amount in the transaction meta, as reported by XRPL nodes.
xApps now feature the share() method with (and/or) a title, text and url property, triggering the native OS (Android / iOS) share dialog.
You will now obtain a user_token to deliver Sign Requests in your JWT / OTT when users interact with your xApp / Web3 (OAuth2) sign in. Users can revoke this user_token at their convenience.
New features, updates and more..
If you are interested in learning about some of the main changes and features of Xumm v2.4, you're at the right place!
This version includes many different upgrades, new features, tweaks and improvements and while many of them are "behind the scene" improvements, there are some things you will notice and appreciate right away, so let's get started...
When our customers speak, we listen, so when you asked for Xumm to display the fiat value of your XRP on the main page, we added it. Just touch the balance of your XRP and voila, the cash equivalent.
Would you like to see a list of all the NFTs that you own? Would you like to view themin Xumm? How about the ability to view your buy and sell NFT orders? Well, now you can. Simply press the Tokens button..
Then choose NFT...
If you are interested in learning more about how Xumm interacts with NFTs, check out this article:
We've improved our encryption algorithms in this version of Xumm! If you would like to upgrade the encryption on your accounts, simply press the Settings button then choose Accounts and press the Update encryption button.
For more information on this, check out his article:
This version includes the ability to revoke access from third party sites and xApps.
In Xumm, press Settings then Third party apps to get a list of apps / sites from which you can revoke access.
This was just a quick overview of a couple of the new features in this release but there are more if you are interested. Check out our release notes for more details: