Here is a list of our home-grown, native xApps developed by our fabulous team of developers.
To find them, you can simply press the button at the bottom of the screen in Xaman, then select View more xApps or from here, you can select the open hyperlink beside the one you would like to use.
Check the total worth of your XRPL account using DEX rates for all owned tokens & NFT's
Delete an XRPL account, sending all funds (minus the XRPL fee of 2 XRP) to one of your other accounts.
Configure a Xumm (Tangem) card as a backup card for your primary Xumm (Tangem) account. Card lost? Funds safe!
Order your Xumm cards (and optionally: Xumm Pro (Beta))
An xApp which lets you choose a vanity address
Create offers & trade on the XRP Ledger decentralized exchange (DEX)
Swap or send any (liquid) token owned on the XRPL to any other token
View all of your opened xApps in the past six months
Talk to the Xaman (XRPL Labs) support team for assistance
Get Xumm Pro and manage your Xumm Pro (Beta) account.
Launchpad for On-ramp / Off-ramp in Xaman.
All about the Account Worth xApp
The Account Worth xApp is designed to display the total current value of all of the tokens held in your XRP Ledger account.
Simply touch this link:
or you can find it by pressing the xApps button at the bottom of the main screen in Xaman (formerly Xumm).
For each token in your account, the Account Worth xApp looks at the XRPL DEX and calculates what the liquidation value would be based on the open orders currently on the DEX.
Xaman shows the real representation of each asset based on the current DEX liquidity. It shows the amount you can actually trade your tokens for, which is, in case of illiquid pairs, a lot less than the fake price most platforms show.
The Account Worth xApp includes the base reserve and owner reserves when calculating the value of your XRP. The reason for this is that while the reserves are marked as "un-spendable" on the XRPL, they are still in your account so they are counted when Account Worth calculates the total value of your XRP.
Account Worth shows the real value of each asset based on the current liquidity on the DEX. The DEX Trade xApp shows the last traded price. (It does not calculate the actual worth of token.)
In other words, slippage and liquidity have been taken into account with Account Worth but not with the DEX Trade xApp.
Account Worth shows the real value of each asset based on the current liquidity on the DEX.
Many crypto exchanges use a different method of calculating value. Some exchanges have their own liquidity pool which they use to calculate value. Some exchange rely on third parties to calculate value. Account Worth relies on the XRP Ledger DEX to calculate value.
How to use the Account Merge xApp
This article is currently under construction
The Account Merge xApp is used to delete an XRP Ledger account and send the remaining XRP balance to another XRPL account managed by Xumm.
In order to use the Account Merge xApp the following criteria needs to be met:
1) Both accounts must be managed by Xumm.
This means that you must have imported both of your accounts (the one being deleted and the one that will receive the deleted account’s XRP) into Xumm using the account secrets. (Secret numbers / Family seed / Mnemonic)
2) Xumm must have full access to both accounts.
You can not use the Account Merge xApp if either account has been imported with read only access.
3) Both account must be activated.
This means that both accounts must have met the XRPL base reserve requirement of 10 XRP.
4) All Trust Lines, escrows, payment channels and other objects on the account to be deleted must be removed before running the Account Merge xApp.
Simply touch this link:
After launching Account Merge, you are presented with this screen:
or you can find it by pressing the button at the bottom of the main screen in Xumm then select
What is a Vanity address and how do I get one?
A Vanity address is a customized XRP Ledger account address. The idea behind a Vanity account is to give people the option to personalize their XRP Ledger r-addresses. It is a nice way to make a statement and to own a customized address that will be immortalized on the the XRP Ledger.
The Vanity Address xApp lets you choose from over 400 billion pre-mined r-addresses which start with your name / handle /brand. so you can find the right one for you. Instead of a random account address (starting with a lower case "r") you will have an account address that starts with a lower case r and then a short value that you can choose.
For example, can you guess what our favorite movie is?
... or our favorite band?
This xApp is perfect for helping you customize your public imagine by picking a unique, individual r-address on the XRP Ledger.
The normal cost of a vanity account is € 50 per account.
If you subscribe to Xumm Pro (Beta), you receive a 20% discount on all Vanity purchases which brings the price down to € 40 per vanity account.
You may have noticed in the Overview section, we mentioned we have over 400 billion pre-mined accounts. The 'pre-mined' part means that we have tested and stored the private keys for all of those accounts. If you would like to purchase one of them, we can't just give you the private keys for it. If we did, how could you trust us to get rid of them after we gave them to you? (Well, we are trust worthy, but still, you can't trust anyone when it comes to your private keys.)
The solution to this conundrum lies in the XRP Ledger itself. One of the great features of the XRPL is the ability to 're-key' an account. An XRP Ledger account can authorize a secondary key pair, called a regular key pair. After doing so, you can use either the master key pair or the regular key to authorize transactions.
When you purchase a Vanity account, we configure a regular key pair pointing to another you already own. We then disable the master key for the Vanity account, meaning we will never be able to sign with it. Only you will be able to, with the key pair (your account secret) belonging to the account we re-keyed to.
Before you decide to purchase a Vanity account, you should already have an activated XRP Ledger account that will be used to sign transactions on you account.
Just launch the xApp by tapping here:
then enter your search parameters in the search field and tap the Search button
When you find an address that you like, just tap the Buy button beside it.
Note: This is the part where we select the regular key account.
Choose the account that will be used to sign transactions for your new Vanity account then press Next.
Read through each section and make sure you understand them. You have to check each box then press the Sign button.
You will need to sign the transaction to confirm you understand and accept the conditions.
Press the Next button.
Press the Buy Now button to purchase your Vanity account.
Review and sign the transaction to purchase your Vanity address.
Congratulations! You just purchased your first Vanity address. Press Next to continue.
Your new Vanity account needs to be activated with at least 10 XRP. Press the Activate vanity address to continue.
Sign the transaction to activate your new Vanity account.
Your new Vanity account should now be activated. You should be able to sign transactions on your new account with your regular key account, and the master key for your Vanity account should now be disabled. Press Next to continue.
The final screen of the process explains how to add your account into Xumm in read only mode.
Press the Copy address button, then exit the xApp and follow the instructions in this article to import your new Vanity accout into Xumm.
Since the master key of your vanity account has been disabled, there is only one way to access it... by your regular key account. When the time comes to replace your phone, you simply need to install Xaman on it, import your vanity r-address into Xaman in read only mode, then import your regular key account into Xaman in with full access. Xaman will recognize the regular key account and allow you to sign on you vanity account.
Since the master key for your vanity account has been disabled, the only way you can access it is with your regular key account. If you lose the master key for your regular key account, you will not be able to access your vanity account and all of your funds will remain inaccesssible until the master key is found.
No. After we disable the master key for a vanity account and set the regular key account, we delete the master key from our database. It is no longer valid or useful at that point.
You sure can. We have a create a separate article which explains how to do this:
Actually, we have never checked, but the chances of us stumbling across an existing key pair is very remote. It has taken us years to generate the existing key pairs we have but even if we could generate 390 trillion key pairs per hour, 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per year, it would take about 99 quadrillion years to go through all 340 undecillion possibilities. The chances of a collision is practically impossible.
All about the Get Cards xApp
The Get Cards xApp is a utility that allows you to:
purchase Xumm cards
purchase Xumm Pro (Beta)
purchase a limited amount of XRP
Tap this link:
or you can find it by pressing the xApps button at the bottom of the main screen in Xumm.
1) Launching the Get cards xApp displays the following screen:
Press the Order cards button...
2) The purchase process consists of 4 steps.
Step 1 involves:
choosing the number of Xumm cards you would like to purchase.
Currently we offer quantities of 2, 3,4 or 5 cards. (We do not offer bulk orders.)
If you decide to go with the 5 card option, the team will even sign one for you!
deciding if you would like to purchase XRP to cover the account reserve for one card. (This option allows you to purchase 10 XRP to meet the account reserve requirement of the XRPL. )
deciding if you would like to purchase extra XRP in addition to the 10 XRP for the account reserve.
Note: There is a 10% premium (round up to the nearest 5) for this service.
choosing which country you would like the cards sent to by tapping the down arrow in the Shipping options section, then choose Standard or Express delivery.
When done, press the Continue to shipping info button.
Step 2
Enter your shipping information.
When done, press the Continue to payment button.
Step 3
Choose how you would like to pay for your cards and Pro subscription.
If you are not going to purchase additional XRP, paying with Xaman (in XRP) is quick, easy and will save you money. (We recommend this option.)
If you are purchasing additional XRP, you are going to choose to pay with a Credit Card.
Note: A 10% premium applies (rounded to the nearest 5) for paying with a credit card.
Note: If you choose to pay with a Credit card, you will receive this screen:
After you fill out the form, press the Next button. Enter your credit card information in the form then press, Process Payment.
9) You are all set! Thank you for your order. We can't do what we do without your support.
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This article is currently under construction
This article is currently under construction
The price difference between selling and buying is too high
When trying to purchase or swap tokens, you receive the message, "The price difference between selling and buying is too high".
XRP Ledger has a native decentralized exchange (DEX) that lets anyone buy or sell any asset that exists on the XRPL. Since anyone can issue assets on the XRPL, the DEX is an incredibly useful and powerful tool. It is basically a global market place where buying and selling takes place at any time.
The Spread
The spread is the difference between the bid and the ask prices of a token on the DEX. For example, if you place an order for 100 tokens for 100 XRP, but the current orders are for 100 tokens for 105 XRP, the spread is 5 XRP. You are bidding 100 XRP, people are asking for 105 XRP. The difference is 5 XRP.
Market Order
A market order is a transaction that tries to buy or sell tokens at the best available price on the DEX. If you are going to place a market order, you should review the charts and the order book depth before placing an order. Make sure that there is a market on both sides of the order book. This means lots of sellers and lots of buyers. If there is only a large number of sell orders, it means that you are trading in an illiquid asset.
Any market order placed on the DEX tries to buy/sell the tokens immediately based on the current order books and token liquidity. We built safety features into Xumm that prevents unexpected results when placing an order so, if the Spread is more than 4%, you will receive above message. In other words, Xumm does not allow the instant market swap/trade of a token pair that results in a user receiving significantly less than the current spot price. (Which could happen with illiquid tokens.) If Xumm allowed this to happen, you could lose a significant percentage of your funds if you decided to trade back to your original asset.
Only proceed if you understand and accept that by trading the selected asset you are at risk of getting bad exchange rates.
Trading in assets that have low liquidity can be risky. One of the better options to limit this risk is to create a limit order and specify the exact price you would like your order to be executed at. This allows the DEX to match your order at your desired price when it becomes available.
Xumm comes with an xApp that will allow you to create a limit order called the DEX Trade xApp.
There are several other ways to place orders on the DEX, but remember, dealing with illiquid tokens can result unexpected results.
Gatehub Trade - https://gatehub.net/trade-xapp
DEX Trade - https://xumm.app/detect/xapp:xumm.dex
Pathfinding - https://xumm.app/detect/xapp:xumm.pathfinding