Xumm v1.0.0
XUMM V1 will be available in the Apple App Store and Google Play Store around new year (2020-2021).
🎉 This is the first major XUMM release. The updates in this release contain significant improvements and new features 😎
All XUMM and XRPL features are now fully tested. There is always room for improvements, but after two years of development, this is version 1.0.0 🚀
The XUMM app is now available in 46 languages, thanks to community translators 😘
Added support for (all, even non-XRP) Tangem cards 😎 Keep your accounts safe & sign with a plastic card instead of a secret key
Respect the “Disallow Incoming XRP” flag when sending XRP to an account. Some IOU (token) issuers enabled this.
Added a quick Copy (r-address to clipboard) button next to the Share button in the “Receive” / “Request” panel
New Destination Tag confirmation screen when sending to an account with a Destination Tag. A big font and digit spacing will make it easier to check the entered Destination Tag, to prevent deposit mistakes
Added explanations & disclaimers during the app onboarding (first start)
When scanning a Sign Request from a QR code, when the Sign Request is Closed (instead of Rejected) it now shows up in your Event - Requests list
Improved / Changed
Better account switching (panel), now showing the r-address per account as well
When entering the wrong password for an account (to sign), a dialog with explanation is now displayed (instead of an “Invalid authentication” message)
When XUMM is started for the first time after changing phones and restoring from a backup (eg. iCloud) without the keychain, XUMM now warns you at first start that for security reasons, you’ll have to import your secret keys again on your new phone.
Minor user interface & usability improvements all over the place
Updated “Passphrase” to “Password” text (English) when referring to the password used for account encryption
Improved pasting (from clipboard) / scanning (QR-Code) Destination Tags: stricter checks for valid Destination Tag formatting
Better HEX private key import validation
Updated (new) extended Terms of Service
Improved warnings / education when importing Read Only accounts (please don’t import Exchange hot wallets / deposit accounts)
Addded warnings / explanation when signing an AccountDelete Sign Request
Fixed a bug that would crash XUMM when running with the “System currency formatting” disabled, when typing an amount (eg. Send transaction flow)
When sharing an account address on larger iOS phones, the share dialog would close immediately after opening
Fixed a bug that caused XUMM to crash when XUMM was opened while not in airplaine mode, but without a working internet connection
On Android, when navigating back (eg. when sending funds) while the keyboard was visible, the keyboard wouldn’t close.
After adding a contact, all existing views are updated to reflect the contact name (instead of after a new start of the XUMM app)
When you issued an IOU and someone else removed a Trust Line to your account, it now shows up as Removed instead of Added in the Events list
Fixed scrolling issues for Sign Requests: at times the account selection / Sign button wasn’t reachable
Fixed an issue where return payments would sometimes excludes prefilling the Destination Tag
When sending to accounts where no destination tag was required, a 0 (zero) Destination Tag is no longer used
Fixed a discrepancy between the displayed spendable balance on the home screen and on the Send-screens (reserves weren’t subtracted)
For Developers
The XUMM SDK / API now returns the signing security level & request origin flow for Sign Requests:
Last updated