How to trade Evernode (Evr) tokens
How to trade Evernode (Evr) tokens
There are currently two ways to exchange Evernode tokens:
via the Bitrue crypto exchange
via the Xahau DEX
Bitrue is currently the only exchange which supports Evernode tokens. You can create an account with them, then exchange USDT for EVR on their platform.
Xahau DEX
Xaman has an xApp called the DEX Trade xApp which will allow you to trade on the Xahau DEX.
You can launch it in Xaman via this link:
Frequently Asked Questions
There are two different Evernode tokens on the XRP Ledger? Are they legit?
Issuing Address Token Currency Code
rKnorR44ZwN8rWUhbzkZm73jCiXuqKjWsr Evr
rEVERsbyTnqKTWpH4AQ8wG13sGcCWNQT2L Evernode
As far as we understand, these tokens are not authorized or endorsed by Evernode.
For more information about this, please contact Evernode directly at:
When will other exchanges start supporting Evernode?
It is possible, but you are going to need to contact Evernode for additional information related to their token. (Normally businesses provide their own customer support for their products.)
Last updated
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